I took him out in our first major snow storm ... in order to take pics for our Christmas cards ... and got a few to add to this blog as well (but won't share the chosen Christmas pic till after they are all sent!). It has been far too long since I have shared anything ... and thank you for not giving up on this blog.
Life is good. Very good. And we are all very excited for Christmas. Tomorrow, Dec 1st, starts our countdown to the big day :) I am hoping to countdown here - with crafts, videos, awesome links, etc. Let's see if I can keep this commitment. (Don't roll your eyes! I will try, I swear!).
For starters, I will share this video with you all ... it is Isaac's favorite Christmas song ever ... and I often wonder if it is because I sang it to him when I visited him in Haiti the Christmas before he came home. I know he doesn't consciously remember this ... but perhaps his heart remembers. Truth be told, I replaced some of the words to sing the song specifically to Isaac. Isaac was and always will be our miracle. His birth, his adoption, his life ... is wonderful and miraculous ... as is the birth and life of every child. And no matter whether you take the story surrounding Jesus's birth as fact, metaphor, mythology, or other ... the bottom line is that we celebrate the birth of a saviour child at Christmas ... and it is my belief that every child is a blessing, a miracle and a saviour. In that spirit, I share this song with you ... and hope you feel its power ...
Thank you for reading and sharing. I hope to write again tomorrow with some fun holiday ideas. I have a few that I am excited to show you.
Talk to you soon,