Now for the winners ...
The picture that got the most "votes" was the winner. And "votes" were $.25 each ... so, essentially, the portrait that garnered the most donations was the winner.
This year's winner did his best to raise as much money for his portrait as possible. You may recognize him as a long-time employee of Mardens in Brewer ...
First place goes to Dana and his dog, Niko:

Now, the winner of second place was totally shooting for coming in second, as she wanted to win the $75 gift certificate to Pet Quarters so that she could donate it back to the Bangor Humane Society. Great, huh!?
Congrats to Donna and her Labs, Mason and Ella:
These two were also such a pleasure to work with. And Donna is an amazing woman who does so much for animal welfare. She is incredibly generous and I am glad to know her.
In third place, we have an awesome little man, Osiris the Cockatoo:

I wish we had prizes for all 24 entrants. Maybe next year! I so look forward to doing this again next year. It was a wonderful treat to be able to play with so many sweet pets ... and to meet so many incredible people. THANK YOU ALL!
To see pictures of all those who participated in this event, please feel free to check out my Flickr site. Enjoy.