Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Meeting Mickey Mouse : Part 3 of Disney World.

Isaac barely knew who Mickey Mouse was before we planned our trip to Florida. But this Mama read him some of her old Mickey books ... and talked the mouse up quite a bit before flying into the Magic Kingdom ... so that Isaac was properly prepped to meet the world's most famous icon. But I could have never guessed at just how smitten he would become with Mr. Mouse ...

(above photo by me)

(above photo by Disney Photo Pass)

(above photo by me)

(above photo by Disney Photo Pass)

He was so smitten, in fact, that when we were about to leave ... after sharing some quality time with both Mickey and Minnie ... he lay down on the floor and balled his eyes out. Mickey then came over to give him some extra hugs to make him feel better. Sadly, this was a theme throughout our visits to various characters. He never wanted to leave them ... just as he never wants anyone who visits us to leave. It must be some deeply rooted adoption abandonment issue. Poor little man. But he gets over it quick enough ... and now has nothing but wonderful things to say about meeting Mickey.

He has been asking me every day since our trip - "Mama, when we are going to go back to stay at Mickey's house again? Tomorrow?". And I just keep saying ... "Soon, Babe, soon." ... then I ask Daddy for a date that I can begin planning our next trip ... and he keeps saying, "Give me at least one week to be home ... and then I might think about planning another trip." Daddy's can be so ridiculously practical!

Enjoy your day...



Missy said...

awwwwwwwww how sweet :) i'm thrilled your enjoying your time at Disney!


Leciawp said...

So sweet! Looks like a lot of fun. xo

Mitzi said...

Love it! Isaac cracks me up...he reminds me so much of Kenyon. Kenyon cried when I made him leave the puppet show at Chick-fil-a last week! Our sensitive little boys:)