I was asked today about what song I would want played at my funeral ... and here was my choice. Mostly because it is my favorite song in the world ... such soul. But also because it is a song of mourning. You'd think I would pick something more upbeat for my guests ... knowing that their hearts will be heavy ... but alas, this is my choice for now. Then afterward, perhaps they can play "It's a Beautiful Day" by U2 ... just to remind everyone that life is so damn wonderful ... and to embrace it fully....
What song would you pick???
Friday, February 27, 2009
My Funeral Song (A Long Time From Now).
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Boy, His Dog & His Fish.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Macropinna Microstoma: Truth is Stranger Than Fiction.
I am in awe of this fish ... and the wonders of the ocean. INCREDIBLE stuff that I just had to share. (My jaw was dropped through the whole video - ocean creatures fascinate me).
~ Jodi
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
My Etsy Shop: 2nd Anniversary Giveaway!
Good Luck and Have a Wonderful Day.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Lots & Lots of Snow.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Please Take a Look.
I have decided that it may be time to branch out and create a blog that is exclusive to my photography adventures. Though photography will always be part of "This Handmade Life" ... I am hoping to grow my hobby into a business ... so a new blog seems appropriate for promotional as well as instructional purposes.
Anyway, won't you please take a look? It is still in its infancy, but I am excited to share the most recent post with you as one of my photos received a simple - yet well appreciated - honor by Shutter Sisters :)
Here it is: http://www.jlr-photography.blogspot.com/.
Thanks for looking! Please "follow it" if you wish.
Love & Appreciation,
P.S. Please stay tuned to this blog for a great Etsy Anniversary Giveaway this week!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Weekend Goodies.
I have been going through my e-mails today and thought I would send along some special "freebies" for your weekend. Enjoy!
* 40% off Borders Coupon
* Dover Publication Printouts: here, here, here, and here ... etc.
* Need some cash? Sell some of your books on http://www.cash4books.net/. I did and got an extra $50.
*Play With Pictures free trial. Have some photo fun.
Have a GREAT weekend.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A New Skill. Hopefully.

P.S. The above photo is also part of my 28 Days of Appreciation ... a Shutter Sisters One Word Project.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
More Mister Rogers Love.
So, here is a quilted pillow Fred Rogers pillow that I have placed in my shop ... not because I don't love it ... but because I have plenty :)

Monday, February 16, 2009
A "President's Day" Confession.
Well, recently I enjoyed a fascinating political conversation with a great new friend I will call "Fred". This conversation was so enjoyable because though we shared both similarities and differences in our opinions, we were quite happy to appreciate the viewpoints of the other. I am not sure how much he learned from me, but I can say that his insights as an active U.S. army soldier, police officer, fire fighter, child pornography detective (if that's what his title is --- basically he helps catch the bad guys who abuse kids), father of 8, homeschooler, Freemason, and chairman of several boards ..... caught my attention and respect. I know all this about him not because he boasted ... because he did not ... but rather because I inquired (as I often do - people fascinate me).
Anyway, I discovered a few things about myself during our deep conversation. And this is where my confession comes in. I voted for Barak Obama because he is black. I voted for a person based on race. I made a decision --- putting all my other values aside --- based on a person's skin color. This is not good. Please let me explain... (and please read all to get a full understanding, otherwise this statement will make little sense) ...
I am not a Democrat or a Republican. My personal and political values did not jive with either McCain or Obama. In fact, I have strong personal convictions against some of each of their political motives. However, there was a third party candidate that both my husband and I felt strong support for. On Election Day, my husband voted for that person. I even tried to talk him out of it by saying, "Honey, he is not going to win, so at least vote for the first black president. Make a statement for Isaac." My husband replied, "I am making a statement for Isaac, I am sticking to my values ... and trying to create a better future for him." I didn't listen to this reasonable argument. I just thought he was being ridiculous. I mean, there was no way our guy was going to win ... so why not make a different statement? So, when I entered the voting booth, with Isaac in hand, I checked Obama ... forgetting all the reasons why I did not want him to be my son's president. And I was proud of my decision.
On Inauguration Day, I like so many others, cried tears of joy at seeing our first "Black" President. And I was so very proud of our country for not dismissing a candidate based on his skin color. I still am. I am still VERY proud that our country has gone from slavery to a Black president in less than 200 years. I am very happy to see George W. finally leave office. And I am quite hopeful for our country's future. What I am now not so proud of is the means by which I made my voting decision.
See, had I not voted for Obama ... and voted my convictions and my truth ... I still could have celebrated the beauty of our country's choice of a black president. I still would have cried tears of joy. I still would have been hopeful for our future (as there is much about Obama that I am hopeful about). Please don't get me wrong, I am not sad that he is our President. Not at all. I am quite open to much of the change that he is encouraging ... I am already pleased with much of the direction he is already taking our country into. But, he was not the guy that I would have chosen for our president ... and because I take voting very seriously ... I should have stuck with my convictions and voted as if my ballot was the only one that was cast. That is how I believe everyone should vote ... but I didn't. I let race overrule my convictions. Me ... Mommy to Isaac ... chose someone based on race alone ... something I would never want done to my son. I would be mortified and enraged if my son got a job or a promotion based solely upon his "race". See where I am headed with this?
My new friend "Fred" lovingly showed me the error of my thinking on November 4th, 2008. And he did so without even knowing how I voted. And why does his opinion mean something to me? Well, I already mentioned some of the titles that he wears that caught my attention and admiration. He is a giving person who has put his life on the line on many occasions, in many different roles ... all because he truly loves people ... believes in liberty & happiness for all ... and is a bleeding heart in every sense (and I LOVE people who truly LOVE people). But more than that .... WAY more than that ... he is a loving husband and a devoted father to eight children ... two of whom are black. And when he explained to me why and how he voted ... and about what he told his black children regarding why it would certainly be wonderful to have a President that added some color to the White House ... they should not go against their beliefs in order to make that happen ... Well, I was humbled. And I learned something.
I am not sorry for how I voted --- as I don't believe in regret. I believe in learning and growing. I see now that my thinking was skewed ... and I will be more mindful regarding similar issues in the future.
Meanwhile, I will support my President ... hope for positive change ... and work on being the very best role model for my son. Every decision I make is with him in mind ... sometimes I'll get it right, sometimes I won't. But I will never give up on trying to do right by him.
Thank you for reading my "confession". Please don't hate me in the morning :)
P.S. Dear Cousin Nic --- you were right. Thanks for not rubbing it in.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Finding a Pet for Isaac.

... but Mommy didn't. I did however totally dig this little guy ...
... but Isaac didn't. And I in retrospect, I am glad for that, as this Chinchilla was a complete wild man! Then, I asked to hold some Guinea pigs. I have always loved their personalities ... and have wanted one since childhood. And I think I could have easily convinced Isaac (and maybe will in the future :)
But then I totally ooohhed and aaahhed over this sweet little parakeet. I could just imagine him sitting on Isaac's shoulders ... nibbling on his ears ... singing to us as the dawn rises. But Isaac just wasn't feeling it. He told me I could get a bird for my own pet ... but that he wanted either a fish or a turtle (a new thought for him).
I checked out the turtles ... but saw many signs around their cages warning about salmonella poisoning. So they were definitely out. And thankfully Isaac understood the reasoning. So, we were then left right back where we started ... picking out a fish.
And here he is (drum roll please...):
His name is Shark. He is a Beta fish (the easiest to care for)... and as soon as we brought him home, Isaac asked if it was time to take him out of the water and cuddle him. Oh boy .... I had to give Isaac the talk about how fish need to stay in water ... that they are the type of pet that you look at ... not that you play with. He began to understand, but is now rethinking his choice. So, Mama may get her Guinea pig or parakeet after all! Meanwhile. it has been only one day, and poor Shark seems to already be forgotten. BUT at least now I have a new little buddy to photograph :)
Enjoy your day & your pets ...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I've Taken the Plunge.

Monday, February 9, 2009
Please Help Me Out Here ...

Sunday, February 8, 2009
New Toy.

So simple. Yet the results are just so awesome (for my taste anyway):

They are all now available in my shop - as 5x7s - for just $10 each. (Pssst... please tell your friends!). I can mat them and frame them as well - all details are in my shop listings.
So, Halis wants kuddos for always being the hero that creates whatever it is I want at the moment. You should have seen him hustle to install fencing around our old one acre farm a few years back. He accomplished one acre of fencing in a weekend - and it came out perfect. All because a fox got one of my chickens and I cried. Daddy came to the rescue and the chickens were safe from then on. Anyway, thanks Halis - you are the best. Truly.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

In fact, he asked if we could take her home with us because he wanted her to be his baby sister ...

He still speaks of her, all these weeks later, telling me that she is his sister ... and that he misses her. Ahhh.... so sweet. Apparently, this need for a sibling is quite a theme for him lately. Everywhere we go, when we meet up with a baby (anyone under age 2), he asks if he can take the baby home to be his new brother/sister. And whenever he gets to thinking for awhile, he will initiate conversation about wanting a baby brother or sister (mostly sister).
So --- Daddy and I have been doing some thinking --- and have decided that before I give my ovaries up for good --- I will try again. Long story short, I had the great fortune to be seen by a leading fertility expert this week and am now being treated (with fertility meds, etc) in the hope that we get pregnant ... but with the comfort of knowing that if it doesn't happen, we will happily adopt a little brother or sister for Isaac. In fact, even if it does happen, we are looking forward to adopting again in the future --- as was always our intention for expanding our family.
Exciting days lay ahead. We will - as a family - be able to confirm the path(s) in which we will be taking to grow our family. I have been down this fertility road before ... but with high anxiety and grand expectations that only lead to disappointment. This time will most certainly be different ... I am a Mommy now. I am fully satisfied with my role and with the means by which it came to me. So, this trip down fertility lane will either bring a most welcome little one into our lives, or will confirm that those ovaries need removing ... and adoption papers need to be gathered in order to welcome our next sweet little one. Very exciting ... All of this baby talk came before meeting our sweet new cousin, Adina. But I think she certainly did her part to confirm that there was "no time like the present" to begin the journey to our next baby. Isaac's love for her and for all the babies in his life is so genuine ... and so comforting. He wants a sibling, we want another child ... and watching him with Adina (and listening to him still talk about her) makes the timing feel right. We will certainly keep you posted on our journey.As for dear sweet Adina ... we are all so glad you are home with your forever family. You have AWESOME parents who are wild about you ... AMAZING grand-parents who adore you ... much extended family who are absolutely in love with you ... and a cousin in Maine who wants desperately for you to be his little sister :) Life is good.
JodiSunday, February 1, 2009
Playing With Layers : On Picnik.

I have uploaded a bunch of textures ... and am just itching to create some digital fine art prints for home ... and for my shop. My fave so far is the one shown above. I have a thing for birds, so they may become a theme of mine. I also have a new thing for silhouettes ... so expect some of those as well.
Anyway --- just thought I'd share some of that info with all you other photography lovers. ENJOY!
P.S. I am still adding to my Disney photos and my Scavenger Hunt photos. Many new ones added this weekend. 2 of them even won some "virtual awards" from other Flickr members. Fun :)
P.P.S. Check out this amazing photo my friend just took on her recent vacation. I LOVE it.