Thursday, February 19, 2009

A New Skill. Hopefully.

I am learning a new skill. Hooray. Thanks to my good friend Missy, I am finally learning to knit, something I have always wanted to try. Very exciting stuff.

She tells me there are loads of tutorial knitting videos on YouTube. I haven't explored that yet, but let me know if you find anything wonderful worth sharing. Meanwhile, I think I am going to try to tackle a hat for Isaac. Then ... who knows ...
Enjoy your day.

P.S. The above photo is also part of my 28 Days of Appreciation ... a Shutter Sisters One Word Project.


Anonymous said...

Knitting has always seemed like such a calming and peaceful pastime.

The fact that it's a hobby that rewards you with actual goods is a bonus.

Kelly said...

Just awesome - haven't dared myself yet but am mustering up the courage ;) Lovely yarn, btw ~

Alison Kerr said...

I like to knit, though I haven't done so this winter, unless you count using one of those round quick knitter things.

I've just been too busy blogging!