Monday, June 30, 2008
Annual Strawberry Picking.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wabanaki Confederacy.

Words cannot adequately describe the beauty and power of this sacred, timeless gathering. I was honored to take part in it ... and thankful that my son has both embraced and been embraced by this community.
Because pictures can sometimes tell a better story than words ... I will let this photostream do the talking for me. I hope that my photos convey joy, pride and respect. Enjoy.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Beach Days Are Here Again.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dancing Matt - 2008.
For those who are unfamiliar with Matt's "work", please see his site
I'd give just about anything to have his job :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Those Olden Goldies ...
Anyway, I am thinking that perhaps it is time to start taking requests on my upcycled Golden Book journals. This way, I can concentrate on making journals out of the books that folks want. I will soon be updating my Etsy store with special request listings.
Here is just a small sample of the books available:
I am willing to bet that you have read at least one of these titles in your youth ... or perhaps you read them to your own children. Either way, I hope they conjure up some sweet memories for you. They certainly do for me. I fondly remember my book reading nook in the hallway of my childhood home ... and the seemingly endless opportunities to delve into new worlds with the turn of every page. Ahhhh ... good stuff.
Now I find endless uses for the blank books that I make with these thrifted Goldens. I have one for my purse - to jot down thoughts and to-do lists. I have one that I keep on my desk for organizing the schedules of all the area children's museums and amusements. I have one for my craft area with drawings of all my sewing ideas. And I keep others for use as personal writing journals. I also plan to use others as address books, scrapbooks, etc. And I am sure that everyone on my Christmas list will be getting one too :)
So, yes, I am a little obsessed with my latest craft ... perhaps because they incorporate so much of what I love ... children's literature, vintage goodies, handmade crafting, and recycling. Not a bad combo.
Let me know if you would like some too ;)
Monday, June 23, 2008
We Are Back ...
Thank you for your patience ... we finally have internet (did you hear me scream in delight?). And WOW, I cannot believe how lost I have felt without it for the past month. I felt so disconnected in so many ways. But now ... I am ready to jump back into the blogging world that I have missed so much. I look forward to reading up on all my fave blogs ... as well as to share the goodness of our new life in the "city". And life is SO good here. Really. Isaac is so incredibly happy to be surrounded by friends and family. Halis and I too.
One friend that Isaac is so particularly happy to see more of now is his cousin Sydney. He is so very smitten with her ... as can be seen by these photos...

They are so good together :)
So, thanks for holding in there ... and for encouraging my return to blogging. I am so glad to be back and look forward to some conversations with all of you.
Enjoy the day!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wonderful News!

I believe that once you have adopted a child of your own, after undertaking the immense task of bringing that child to your family, you have a unique joy in watching other families come together in the same way. I love every baby that joins our extended family ... I just have a very unique understanding of all that this family has gone through to bring their baby home ... and I screamed in total elation when I saw that they were finally all together. I remember well those feelings I experienced upon meeting and then finally bringing my son home. To see the joy and the relief in my cousin's face - (in the above photo) - just sends shivers down my spine.
Please join me in sending every blessing to this new and wonderful family. (I would share their names with you - but they wish their identities to remain private).
As for us ... Slowly, but surely, life is beginning to come together for our family. Finally, my husband will be able to move in to our new home with us - this coming Monday (which is still much too far away for my taste). He has been holding down the old homestead as we ready it for sale. And it won't be much longer before we get the internet hooked up. Apparently - though we are now in the city - we had more internet options out in the boonies than we do in our new home. Our new house sits too far from the road (something we love - but the phone company doesn't). Hopefully soon I will be able to a better blog host than I have been this past month.
Thank you all for visiting ... and I wish you every happiness this weekend :)