Lyra --- Daughter of the Hulk, Queen of our Home, Destroyer of Evil, and the bestest, rottenest kitty I have ever known :)
May the Force Be With You - Always.
Lyra --- Daughter of the Hulk, Queen of our Home, Destroyer of Evil, and the bestest, rottenest kitty I have ever known :)
More snow-filled pictures to follow --- as weather permits :)
This picture is how I will always remember you ... always staring into the eyes of your children ... always holding one of your babes in your arms ... always a Daddy.
I, however, am really pissed that this is how I have to"remember" you. You were way, way too young to leave this earth ... and your kids are way, way too young to live out their days without their Daddy here. I watched them bury you today. Literally. You went down into the earth as your children looked on. It was one of the worst days of my life. And theirs.
I watched your wife become a widow today. I watched your parents bury their eldest son. I watched your brother fall apart at the loss of you. I watched your Dad nearly throw himself into the ground with you. I watched my husband cry and shake .... and heard him curse God. In fact, I witnessed my husband lose all faith completely ... as this was just so, so wrong.
Your wife had witnessed this entire scene before ... as you well know. She was there when her own mother buried her father at such a young age. She watched her mother become a widow way too young. And like you, her own father left behind 5 children. It was a horrible deja vous of her own mother's life. And now she must raise her children without their Daddy ... just as she was raised without hers.
So wrong, Brian. So wrong.
You were healthy, Brian. We still don't know how on earth you died. Apparently we won't know for weeks. It seems your last hours were likely painless. But that is little consolation. Your kids' lives - your parents' lives - your wife's life --- will be far from painless now.
We are not angry at you. We love you. We are angry at something we cannot understand. We are angry at SO much. But not at you. Ok - maybe a little bit at you. Did you feel it coming and not get help? Did you screw up some meds or something? What the hell happened, Brian!? We will eventually find out, and we will forgive it. But right now, we don't know. And we are going to remain angry till we do - and maybe longer.
Brian - this sucks. I am sure you would agree. But here's the thing --- we will pick up where you left off --- as best we can. We will watch over your wife and kids. We will do whatever we can to help them. We will talk to them about how much you love them. We will make sure they take those bi-annual trips to Disney World. We will make sure Suzan does not try to take everything on by herself. We will love them as best we can for you. All of us. It won't be enough - but we hope it is something.
Till we see you again, Brian ... we love you. You were a good, solid man. You worked so hard to provide for your family. You were totally unassuming. Just a good soul who appreciated a good life spent with family. Always smiling. Always generous.
I cannot express to you - or anyone else - how much it sucks that you are gone. I hate this. We hate this. And I hope we can figure it out soon before we all lose faith.
Forever yours truly,
So, if you will join me, I would like to share some of the blessings of this past year with you and I invite you to do the same.
In no particular order ...
...but this one being the most important of all ...
* Meg has moved in with us for good. Amen x infinity. This is the greatest blessing to ever happen to our family --- and I hope it is true for her as well. She is safe, loved, supported, and she is family now. Truly. We could not even begin to tell you how thankful we are for her. And how very proud.
* Isaac's biological relations were found safe after the horrible quake in Haiti. What an incredible blessing. After all the devastation and loss of life in that country - we were able to locate the Metellus family and help them in whatever ways we could.
* Because of this dog, this dog and this fundraiser --- I have made the most incredible lifelong friends. I could have never imagined being so greatly blessed with the bounty of friends that I have now --- and I am so incredibly grateful! All my peeps at the Bangor Humane Society are such amazing blessings --- as well as all my "downtown" peeps --- my clients --- my mommy friends, my crafting friends, etc. Such a blessing to be surrounded by wonderful people.
* My dream of becoming a professional photographer has been realized. Studio 36 is a dream come true ... and within one year has become so successful that we needed a bigger, better location! It is still a long way from paying all the bills. But I am blessed by the clients who have come into my life, by doing what I love and by the growth potential of the biz.
* This past year has been a healthy one for all. How awesome is that!?
* Uncle Jamie got married. And Isaac was over the moon that he was the "ring master". It was a lovely day ... a beautiful, enchanting ceremony ... and a fresh start to my brother's life.
* We got a kitty! And I love her. Big. Much.
* Disney World! We were blessed with a hard earned trip to DisneyWorld! Ahhh --- the memories are simply awesome. I love that place. So magical. So family oriented. When I think of it, I have this intense urge to go back --- but also this calming, joyful sensation that I have experienced some wonderful things there. (Of which I have yet to post on this blog --- I am so behind in my posts!). And Isaac got to meet Spiderman. For real. So totally cool.
* Love. I --- we --- are blessed by the love in our family on a daily basis. Our little foursome has its ups and downs --- but we are so in love with one another. That is so worth waking up for :)
Heck - let's make this into a giveaway! Post your thankful thought and I will draw a random winner from your messages to receive a gift from my shop.
I have always wanted to own my own used book shop that specializes in vintage childrens' books. Ad now I do - sort of. At least online. And although I always wanted to serve coffee in said book shop, I am thinking that perhaps you can grab a cup in your own home and surf through the fabulous books while still wearing your pjs.
Here is a sample of the goodies you will find there:
Please stop by and take a look around. From now till Christmas we are offering a 20% discount when you enter the coupon code: NewShop. Discount will be automatically taken off your total bill (a new Etsy function!).
Thanks for your continued support in all our endeavors. And ENJOY!
Meet Lyra. She is WAY sexier in real life. This snapshot is terrible. And so is she sometimes. But we love her so very much. Because of the Bangor Humane Society, this kitty is a permanent member of our family. She was brought in as a malnourished, underweight little bitty thing ... and through their foster care program, we were able to care for her until she was ready to be neutered and adopted.
And Isaac is forever changed because of her. In our home, you will often hear me say, "What the heck did you do with yourself before we got Lyra?" because he is forever playing with her. She is his best buddy (though you wouldn't know it by the look on her face in the above shot).
Look, I swear I am not overly sentimental about animals. I used to be. But Haiti changed me on that front, and I am now much more sensitive to the plight of human beings than animals. BUT I have also seen first hand what wonderful things the BHS staff and volunteers do to help animals that would otherwise be in misery. And what they do is good ... and worthy of support.
Here is how:
Please purchase one or more calendars ($20 for 1 or 6 for $100) by sending a check made out to Studio 36, 1746 Stillwater Ave, Bangor ME 04401. Be sure to include your address and phone number so we can send you the calendar!Or you can use Paypal:
But Meg didn't just complete the season ... she rocked it. She made nearly every practice. She mentored some of the younger runners. She enthusiastically participated and helped to encourage team spirit and pride. She devoted herself to it. And her efforts paid off big.
Thanks to all the wonderful people who have been encouraging her to be her best self. Your messages are getting through ... loud and clear.
Now maybe Meg can encourage me to join that dodge ball team I have been SO wanting to join. (It's for real! And they play other area dodge ball teams. How cool is that?)
PS. Love you Meg.