Monday, February 20, 2017

Dear Isaac: Mosman Park in Winter.

Dear Isaac,

Today, the temperature was about 46 degrees. And you know what that means. If the temp is anywhere near the 50 degree mark ... in the middle of winter ... we head to the coast. It is simply a rule in this house. Sure, we just had a record snowfall about three days ago ... but we are Mainers. And we are ocean loving creatures who absolutely need a whiff of salty air to get our juices flowing. So we headed out to one of our favorite spots ... Mosman Park in Searsport, ME.

It wasn't THE most beautiful day. But it was sunny, and Daddy was willing. He just bought a metal detector ... and that is how we were able to convince him to join us.

You and I started out by walking out as far as we could on the sand bar that juts far out into the sea. The tide was coming in, so we knew we didn't have much time. I found some gorgeous sea glass, as I always do here. And then I snapped this photo of you ...

We weren't the only ones who took the trek out to the sea today. There were a few groups of people there. We were certain that no one else would want to brave the staircase down to the sea, as it was full of about 3 feet of snow on each step ... and plenty of ice to break a body part on. But those folks must have been sea creatures, too.

Several young kiddos saw Daddy out with his detector and wanted to learn more about it. He had a crowd going around him for awhile. But you and I took off to look at one of our favorite spots there ... where a stream flows into the sea. During the summer it is so full of beautiful, bright green algae ... and long ago you named it: Green Land. However, it is quite barren and lacking in any color this time of year.

We did find a gorgeous spot of rust colored rocks and ledge ... and I knew it would be a great backdrop for a photo ... so I also snapped this one of you ...

You love this picture. You helped me post process it in Photoshop. You wanted a darker look to it then I was giving it. You have opinions on photography now. This makes me so glad. You recently bought this leather jacket at a KMart going out of business sale ... and you feel so good in it. It ages you a bit (which you love) and I am having a bit of a hard time watching my baby grow up so fast.

I have long heard of parents lamenting how fast time goes by when you have kids ... and how they become so grown so quickly. I now know this to be absolutely true. You are almost 12 now. And I have no idea how we got here. I have spent every single day with you since you were 13 months old. Yet, somehow I feel like I missed entire months or years ... because this can't have happened this quickly ... you becoming so adult looking.

After some time spent looking for sea glass and other flotsam and jetsam, we trekked back to Daddy, who was busy finding all manner of useless metals under the sand. He was having a great time with his hunt. It mattered little that he was pulling out nails, soda can tabs, and chunks of steel from the ground ... rather than gold coins. The thrill of the scavenging was keeping him well entertained. His only wish was that you join him in this new hobby ... so you did.

It turned out to be pretty fun and exciting. Daddy looks forward to taking you out to search for more treasure. We are headed to Florida in less than 2 weeks, and Daddy says he is going to spend some time with you and the metal detector. I am hoping you both find something that we can retire on!

You and I did get bored with it much quicker than Daddy did (he would have kept going till well past dark if he had his way - and hey - that means he will join us at the coast more!), so we decided to make a game of jumping from rock to rock. The sand was hot lava. And you were the first to fall in ... so I dubbed you Anakin Skywalker ...

Today was a good day. Tomorrow I am going to make a jar to collect Daddy's first metal detector loot. I'll post a photo later. You and I also found some super cool glass bottle necks. I'll start a jar for those as well. Anyway ... I so look forward to spring so that we can build our collections, go boating again, and finish up our lighthouse visits. Till then, we shall look forward to more 40-50 degree winter weather!

Love you always.