So, here is the story of this year's Christmas tree in the
Sirimoglu household. Yes, there is a "story" --- though I am not sure whether it comes with a moral or any nugget of wisdom, but it is a "story" none-the-less.
As you may remember, we travelled to Piper Mountain with some friends to cut down our well-chosen Christmas tree. And this is what we came home with:

... not particularly charming, as it has a gaping hole on one side and is flat on the other. But we gave it a chance to be a glorious part of our holidays anyway.
And the kids were ready and excited to decorate this awkward but sweet hand-picked tree. Lots of laughs were shared... lots of silly antics...

And of course, Halis placed his coveted Dan Marino ornament in its own hallowed spot on the tree - where it could be well seen and appreciated by all. (How many of you out there can say that Dan Marino is hanging from your tree?)
And after some great ornament arrangements by Meaghan and myself.... while Halis watched from the recliner ... and Isaac sought to destroy every ornament he could get a hold of (he enjoys throwing things to see what they will do).... our tree finally became this beautiful masterpiece of festive Christmas merriment ...
But sadly, the tree would not experience such splendor for very long. I am not sure whether gravity, the dogs or the devil himself had a hand in our tree's sudden bought with dizziness ... but she (as we refer to her) came crashing to the floor like a drunken uncle... breaking nearly every sacred childhood ornament that was lovingly placed on her.... not to mention most of her branches as well. Sad. Very sad.
So, Halis did what any good dad would do in this situation. After I removed all remaining ornaments from her branches, he took her outside and resurrected her into a shorter, but actually more charming, version of herself:

And now Isaac and I (okay, mostly I) will spend part of today returning the tree to its original festive splendor, albeit with a lot less decoration ... and no more gaping hole.
There is our tree story. Just a little bit of drama as is often the case around here :) But the story won't end here ... I'll be sure to post pictures of the tree's second chance at life.
So, how are your holiday decorations holding up???