Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Those Olden Goldies ...

... or Golden Oldies ... (whichever pun you prefer :)
I just love turning these well-loved Golden Books into fun "kitchy" journals. I got the idea from my awesome cousin Nicole (who is still in Kaz - trying to bring her baby home) ... and I just can't seem to stop making them. (See here for some finished examples). I am forever searching out these sweet little treasures at every thrift store and yard sale that I can find. I now have hundreds. Literally. And I will still buy more - I can assure you. Me thinks it has become an obsession. They are just so darn sweet. And there are so many different titles to search out. It is the ultimate treasure hunt for those who are tickled by vintage children's lit. And my holy grail is "Volksy - The Little Yellow Car" (circulated by Elf Rand McNally in the 60's). Sure, I can find it on Ebay ... but what is the fun in that?

Anyway, I am thinking that perhaps it is time to start taking requests on my upcycled Golden Book journals. This way, I can concentrate on making journals out of the books that folks want. I will soon be updating my Etsy store with special request listings.

Here is just a small sample of the books available:

I am willing to bet that you have read at least one of these titles in your youth ... or perhaps you read them to your own children. Either way, I hope they conjure up some sweet memories for you. They certainly do for me. I fondly remember my book reading nook in the hallway of my childhood home ... and the seemingly endless opportunities to delve into new worlds with the turn of every page. Ahhhh ... good stuff.

Now I find endless uses for the blank books that I make with these thrifted Goldens. I have one for my purse - to jot down thoughts and to-do lists. I have one that I keep on my desk for organizing the schedules of all the area children's museums and amusements. I have one for my craft area with drawings of all my sewing ideas. And I keep others for use as personal writing journals. I also plan to use others as address books, scrapbooks, etc. And I am sure that everyone on my Christmas list will be getting one too :)

So, yes, I am a little obsessed with my latest craft ... perhaps because they incorporate so much of what I love ... children's literature, vintage goodies, handmade crafting, and recycling. Not a bad combo.

Let me know if you would like some too ;)



1 comment:

Smer said...

You know these would make great baby books as well as Mommy journals to jot down little notes about their children's growing up(one for each child) to present to them when they graduate. Very nice!! Love your blog too.