What's your resolution? Do you make them? Do you keep them?
I don't know if I have ever really made any ... and I am sure I simply can't THINK of any because I never really actually KEPT any. But I have a few "thoughts" for the upcoming year ;) And they go something like this:
* Like nearly every other American, I would like to make a commitment to weight loss and healthier living in the new year ... especially since the Mayans believed that this will be the last year for humans on earth. Or maybe because it could be my last year ... I should just eat tons of chocolate and worry not about my heart or health? Hmmmm ... I signed Isaac and I up for karate anyway. At least if the Zombie Apocalypse occurs, (as also popularly believed), I will be prepared for executing awesome karate chops to brainless heads. And I will be healthier ... just in case we all make it to 2013.
* I would like to make a commitment to play more. Yes, PLAY. I want to play board games, team sports, practical jokes (only the nice, really fun kind), play with Isaac and Halis more ... creating epic star wars battles on the living room floor ... etc. PLAY, PLAY, PLAY. One of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes quotes comes to mind: "There is never enough time to do all the nothing you want." I wish to MAKE that time ... to do the silly things that society tends to tell us do not matter ... like chasing each other around with squirt guns, playing endless games of Monopoly, faux tag team wrestling on the bed, searching for worms in the spring mud, etc. etc. etc. Are you feeling me?
* I also wish to make a commitment to create fun play dates with my friends. And if they want, we can run around and chase each other with squirt guns (as stated above) OR we can go out for martinis ... whichever is preferred at the moment. I have amazing friends, and I think 2012 will rock if I make the commitment to spend more time with them.
* But perhaps most important, my sweet little family of 3 has made the commitment to add another child to our family in 2012! Not a resolution really ... but we have announced to friends and family that we have begun the process to domestically adopt a newborn into our family. We are all very excited about this. Isaac is certainly the MOST excited :) Details will follow ...
2012 will undoubtedly be awesome. Many changes have taken place in our lives over 2011 ... and though some were difficult to be sure ... they have led us to this new place of hope, renewed faith & love, and a commitment to cherish and grow our family and our circle of friends.
At this time of reflection on the past and hope for the future ... I wonder what you are all thinking about committing to for the new year ... for your life ... for your family ... for you. Please share.
And thank you all for reading and sharing with me over the past year. Love to you and yours. Happy New Year.