Well, it has been 2 days since Isaac's big Birthday "Bash", and I am almost fully recovered. (At least I have recovered enough to type up this post). It was such an incredibly full and fun weekend spent with loved ones. So full, in fact, that Isaac and I both slept until noon this morning. Truly.
We all had such a great time! Lots of family members made a 3.5-hour trek from NH in order to celebrate Isaac. And many of Isaac's special friends joined us in celebration as well. We are so thankful for all who attended - and of course, those who could not (we are planning a special Sirimoglu get-together in NH as well).
There were many highlights to this special weekend ... Uncle Jamie & Aunt Amy made a surprise visit, Isaac was treated to a visit from his favorite farm animal - a horse ... the kids enjoyed ATV riding ... lots of delicious food was consumed ... new friendships were made between some of our friends and some of our family members ... we enjoyed a special trip to the Discovery Museum in Bangor... etc, etc.
Here are some photos from the party:
The Guests began arriving at noon. Here is Cousin Lauren, Isaac and his best friend Rose.

The guests tied on some "farmer" bandanas in preparation for the Horse visit. Here is our good friend Sydney.
Some adults wore them as well. Here is Crazy Cousin Angie.
The kids get their winter gear - knowing that the horse is about to arrive any minute.

As the horse came down the driveway, Isaac said..."Momma...WOW!" Here is Alyssa saying hello to the horse.
Our neighbors, the Hastings, were happy to have one of their horses attend Isaac's party. Isaac loved it!
Time for "Mommy-made" cake and ice cream!
Then we played a little "Pin-the-Animal-on-the-Farm". My friend, Kelly, custom made this game for Isaac.

Then on to the presents! Isaac's cousins unwrapped most of them.
Halis enjoying the company of Michelle and Melissa.
Michelle's daughter made this Birthday crown for Isaac. So cute!
Later, I heard some crazy-fun laughing from upstairs in the playroom ... and found Cousin Corey & Isaac counting money. Huh? Whatever they were doing was really cracking them up!
Meanwhile, the girls were outside getting some ATV action.

Cousins Corey & Crystal went out to supervise.

Here is an angelic photo of Cousins Lauren & Ana just before they ran Isaac over with the ATV. Seriously. They ran him over from his feet right up to his head. No joke. He is fine - it was more traumatic for Mommy & Auntie Missy than it was for Isaac and the girls.

Aunt Diane & my brother Jamie chatting on the porch... oblivious to the near-miss "vehicular homicide" that was taking place on the front lawn.

Uncle Bill and "Bed-head" Sophia.

My brother Jamie, my best friend Melissa, and my soon-to-be Sister-in-Law, Amy....saying Goodbye.
Thank you to all who came ... Memere, Lisa, Crystal, Corey, Diane, Bill, Angie, Lauren, Ana, Sophia, Chuck, Summer, Rose, Johnny, Meaghan, "Poppy", "Bobo", Jamie, Amy, Melissa, Sydney, Michelle, Ryan, Alyssa, Zoe and the Hastings. You made Isaac's 2nd Birthday a memorable event. Our little house was "buzzing" with excitement. We are so thankful for each of you.
The Renshaw-Sirimoglu Family