Off to bed now. Love,
Off to bed now. Love,
Halis has started a new project that we are all so grateful for. He is rebuilding our modest side porch. No more tripping over loose boards. No more dogs scratching at the door to come in (it will be enclosed & gated now). No more wood rot. And easier on fragile knees, as the drop will not be as high as it has been (you're welcome Dad). Thank you Halis/Daddy.
Today's Gratitudes ~
We are grateful for : calm minds, warm hugs, silly card games, lifelong friends, new friends we have yet to meet (but we are coming to see you in CA soon - you know who you are), luscious brown skin, full bellies, yellow flowers, clothes that fit, soft rain and green trees.
Lots of Love,
As for me, I enjoyed making some pretend play children's crowns over the weekend... I am currently using them to barter on a yahoo swapping group that I belong to...
What a lovely weekend in Maine ... our first spring weather! Ahh... 70 degrees and green grass growing all around. We spent Saturday having a cookout with our best friends, the Goodales. Here is their sweet (mostly) daughter ...
She is so photogenic!
Anyway, we had a great time with our friends. And then had a wonderful day at home on Sunday. We stayed out all day in the incredible sunshine... cleaning the yard and the chicken coop, throwing the football, watching the birds, etc. There is nothing better than spending a warm and breezy, sun-drenched spring (or summer) day together at our sweet little home in the woods ... laughing and playing .... refreshing ourselves for the upcoming week.
And this lovely day was made even more special with an evening phone call from a very special 'old' friend, our dear childhood friend (and my first major crush and heartbreak) Matty (Matt B.). We have not spoken to him in nearly 10 years ... and were so grateful to hear from him this evening. We have thought of him so often over the years and wondered if we would ever find him again ... and then he called .... it was almost like a dream! (In fact, I may want to apologize to him for being in shock the first few minutes.) It was a wonderful conversation with a man that we both love so dearly. (I haven't heard Halis laugh like with a friend like that in a while - what a gift).
I keep being shown that EVERYTHING is possible in this Universe ... that goodness prevails ... and that all things unfold exactly when they need to. I hope that Halis and Matty will be able to get together soon. It will be a wonderful reunion :)
We cooked various goodies:
We attended Isaac's creativity/dance class and planted some spring seeds:
We introduced Meg to Isaac's favorite horses:
We played "Hide & Seek":
For LOTS more pics of our week, please check out our Flickr account.
I leave you with a wonderful photo taken today... SUNSHINE has returned to Maine:We are looking forward to some dreamy summertime naps in the glow of the sun. Happy TRUE Spring (a month late in Maine ... but most welcome!)
Our long term plan is to:
2. Live Happily Ever After
I know that our criteria can be met ... somewhere. We are not looking for the "perfect" area ... just the place that is "perfect for us" ... even with all its imperfections. And here are some places that we plan to visit to see if they fit our criteria ...
We are completely open to suggestions (please post them in our comment section). Because "what one gives their attention to grows" (laws of attraction), the Universe (God) has opened up so many opportunities and insights for us since we began thinking about making a major move. We FULLY appreciate any thoughts on this matter ... as they will all lead us to finding our new geographic location/ adventure ...
We are also open to the possibility that this search for a new "home" may lead us right back to Maine (as it has for a dear friend of ours) ... and that will be okay too (though I am secretly hoping for a MAJOR move so that I can experience a completely new area & culture).
I will keep you posted :)
... and the day was made even better when Daddy arrived home early from work! He and Isaac lounged on the sun-soaked bed for a while ... catching up on some reading.
Sew What Skirts: 16 Simple Styles You Can Make With Fabulous Fabrics by Francesca DenHartog
The Sultan's Kitchen: A Turkish Cookbook by Ozcan Ozan
The Book of New Family Traditions by Meg Cox
A Taste of Haiti by Mirta Yurnet-Thomas
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Measure of a Man by Sidney Poitier
I am excited to try my hand at some Turkish and Haitian cooking, as well as some skirt making. The Road and The Measure of a Man are books that my husband is interested in reading... but I think I may get my hands on them first. And the Family Traditions book will serve us well in figuring out what sorts of traditions & rituals we would like to hand down to our son (we have only come up with one tradition on our own thus far).
Also ... I received some fabric from a swap that I participated in on Swap-Bot. We exchanged vintage fat quarters (18" x 22") of fabric. I sent my partners some sweet 70's fabrics from my collection. And I just received a package from my swap partner in Sweden. She sent me some very unique pieces. I LOVE them! They are barkcloth materials from the 60's...
I also received some lovely photo ATCs from another swap I am participating in ... but don't feel that I have a "right" to display them here as I still haven't sent mine out yet! (Sorry to my partners ... I WILL get right on this). I will post them here as soon as I quit slacking and send mine :)