And I also made some very sweet VW baby bibs to post on Etsy soon. Aren't they darling?
And I also made some very sweet VW baby bibs to post on Etsy soon. Aren't they darling?
Thanks for looking!
The following morning (Memorial Day), Halis and Meaghan went out riding through the woods. They spent 3 hours jaunting through the mud and having a great time of it! Here is Meaghan - quite proud of her muddy four-wheeler....
Then at 1pm, our good friends came over for a cookout.... Melissa, Devon, Sydney, Jeannie, Vince, Minguin, Mincess, and Lilianna.
Halis did the grill cooking ... and was a sport about wearing one of my vintage, "thrifted" aprons ...
We ate. We talked. We ate again. And the kids had a great time playing with eachother and especially with the chickens ...
Meanwhile, Halis continued painting our new porch (he never relaxes for long) ...
Later in the day, at Devon's request, Halis took the older kids down to the pond for some fishing (though Isaac did not go with them, he insisted on posing in the photograph).
Thank God for times like these. These are the moments that we cherish and that our kids will remember fondly.
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend!
She played, she laughed, she cuddled ... and she just joyfully watched as Isaac did the same. And from where I sat, it looked like it felt really good for both of them. What a blessing.
Isaac really loves his Grandma "Bobo" ... and I am so thankful. And my Mom is totally smitten by her special Grandbaby.... enough for her to slow down and really "see" him and enjoy him in a new way. I hope she continues to fully embrace the simple pleasure in tossing rocks back and forth to him, playing in the sand, and just watching him as he dances around the yard.
Life is good.
Secondly, I made this fun tote bag for myself a couple weeks ago but haven't shown it here because it doesn't photograph well. I plan to make another one tomorrow ... with birds flying across it ... for my Cousin's high school graduation. I especially love this design because it has LONG straps. I created it that way so that it would hang at my hips when carried over my shoulder. Again, the photo doesn't do the bag any justice as the fabric is gorgeous.
Also, we just found out that Jack's "date" with Sydney proved fruitful and she is pregnant! So, we will have a puppy running around our house very soon. Hooray! And just to put a photograph to this little random thought ... here is Isaac feeding his breakfast cereal to his best buddy Jack (the new Dad) ....
Lastly, my husband has been coming home with various childhood treasures from his Mom's house. These are items that were either his from childhood, that he inherited, or that he and his siblings wish to place on Ebay (I am doing the Ebay postings for the estate). This weekend he brought the following item home ...
Apparently this is worth over $100 on Ebay. Hmmm... okay. So that I do not offend any KISS fans who may read my blog, I will simply decline to comment.
Good day & May all your random thoughts be lovely ones!
~ Jodi
Anyway, "Country Living" is good ... and we may enjoy it for a while longer before relocating elsewhere. But who knows? I may change my mind tomorrow :)
Well, my creative juices are still flowing, and I continue to sketch some really fun designs for kids clothing. I have been inspired by my budding apple trees as well as the birds that are creating nests throughout my yard.
I have sketched out many more designs, but have not sewn them onto clothing yet. I am headed out to do some yard sale & thrift store shopping tomorrow in an effort to get some bargain clothing to sew my designs onto. I can't wait! This has become so much fun. Isaac and Meaghan have a funky, chic new wardrobe. Now, if only I could get up the guts to create my own clothing :) That day will come.
Aahhh... the simple joys of life. Nothing is better. Thanks for the lesson, Isaac!
And then, my Dad spotted this picture for me at a yard sale that we saw each other at (my parents are yard salers too). I am very passionate about trees ... so he thought I might like this framed photograph - and I do. It was $4. When I brought it home, I noticed that it was hand signed by the photographer. When I looked him up, I found that this piece originally sold for about $400! Wow ... another incredible bargain. I think this piece will go in my new sewing room (as soon as I can get working on it).
And finally, my incredibly sexy and industrious husband has completed the renovation of our side porch ... and I LOVE it! All it needs is a paint job and some shrubbery and it will be perfect. My husband is amazing and I have come to the fabulous realization that I am incredibly spoiled. And AMEN for that!
(Halis, you are wonderful and I am thankful for you every moment of every day ... even on the "rough" days. You amaze me. Thanks for the porch and for the gorgeous Mother's Day gifts.)
Oh...and speaking of yard sales, please stay tuned for some of my incredible finds from today's excursion. What fun!
Also, for those who are as giddy about fabrics as I am, please see this website.