Friday, February 29, 2008
The Big Spring Etsy Update ... # 1 & # 2

Thursday, February 28, 2008
An Open Letter to Family & Friends:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A Highly Recommended Book:
Little Raccoon is forever asking his Mom WHEN it is that she loves him the most. Is it when he cleans up his room? Is it when he does well at his swimming lessons? Is it when he can climb a tree very well? And Mother keeps telling him that though she loves when he does all of those things, that is not when she loves him MOST. Finally, after several attempts to find out when it is that Mom loves him most of all, Little Raccoon gets exasperated, and asks, "Is it now?" To which Mother replies, "Yes, it is NOW. Now is the time that I love you most of all. Do you know why? ... Because there is no special time. I love you all the time. So, whatever time it happens to be - day or night - that's the time I love you most Little Raccoon."
"You mean right now?" asks Little Raccoon.
"Yes, right now," said his Mother. "It is always right now."
(Gives me a chill every time I read it :)
Though I think this book is great for any child & parent to read together, I especially believe that is is most beneficial to children who were adopted at an older age ... and may have some serious doubts as to whether they are truly loved just for being who they are ... or whether they have to continue to prove themselves to be lovable. This book speaks to that so well, and can be used as a catalyst for some wonderful discussion. The illustrations contained are sure to keep your child interested ... they're full of whimsy ... and the raccoon is so darn cute.
If you are interested in learning more about the book, please click here. And for the sake of full disclosure, if you purchase this book through the link provided, my family will receive a small but useful referral fee.
Thank you & Enjoy!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Just to Prove ...

See, I promised myself when I became a Mom that my child would never go a day without spending at least part of it out of doors. I call it, the "No Child Left Inside" program. And when I made this promise, I must have failed to take into consideration that I live in Northern Maine. I mean, February is **cold**, really ***cold***. And even though European and Canadian blood flows trough my veins, I must have also failed to consider that my son is Haitian... and his people have never felt a -20 degree wind chill in their lives.
But a promise is a promise. And I truly do see the benefits of daily fresh air and sunshine. So, Isaac and I venture out every day. Sometimes Daddy joins us. Always the dogs do. And on a rare occasion, we might see a neighbor. Sometimes we venture till we are hungry and tired. Other times we might make it to the mailbox and back.
And some days I take my camera with me, just to prove (though I don't know to who) that we really are crazy.... I mean, committed!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy 35th Birthday, Halis.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day Bliss.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
But - What better remedy for all that ails you than to cuddle up with your son in bed, lap-top laying across your chest, searching for wild, wacky and hilarious videos on YouTube?
Well it seems that the Michael Jackson Thriller Album is celebrating its 25th Anniversary (the new 25th Anniversary album debuted yesterday - click here to see the new album & listen to some of the remixes). I grew up on Michael ... totally convinced that I was going to marry him one day. I am sure glad that didn't happen ... but I am still enamored by his music, his dancing and his lyrics. And so are people from around the world ... Here are some of our finds:
(To begin viewing the following goodies, you may want to revist the original Thriller video here first).
Fun, huh??? And there are so many more. So, do yourself a favor and take some time out to surf YouTube. It brings so much joy :) We are feeling better already!
Some of the "Surprise" Wedding Dances will have you in stitches... here, here and here. They make me want to re-do my boring wedding dance over again (Michael Bolton's Soul Provider. Go ahead - feel sorry for me - but it was a sign of the times).
Enjoy the Day,
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Playing With Adobe Photoshop CS3.
I grabbed a couple of highly reviewd books on the subject: The Photoshop CS Book For Digital Photographers and Adobe Photoshop CS3 One-on-One. From these two books, I have been giving myself nightly lessons on the program. And I have made some progress. I was able to make a new header for this blog (a week ago) and for my Etsy shop (last night).
I also learned a thing or two about "Curves" and was able to enhance the following photos:



Of course, there is SO much more I need to learn. But this is a great start. Lots of fun, too.
Enjoy the day,
Monday, February 11, 2008
Wee Wonderfuls & 30 Days of Yesteryear.

Friday, February 8, 2008
A Few Things...
I went ahead and ordered limited copies of my piece "...and he gazed in wild wonder." (see below) They will soon be available on Etsy as 8" x 10" prints - signed, numbered and ready for framing.
Also exciting is my husband's wish for me to go ahead and buy myself the camera of my dreams. He said... and I quote... "Babe, because I love you so much, go ahead and buy the new camera you want. It will be so much fun for you." To which I said, "Naaa... I want to save our money." (see the difference between us?) But now I'm thinking about it. It WOULD be so MUCH fun!
I am looking at all the Nikon DSLRs ... and am getting fond of the D70 & D200. Any advice? The D200 sure is a beauty:
And lastly, we actually went out AGAIN. the whole family. To eat. In the city. Again. I love it! We laughed, we smiled, we ate, we talked, and we were courted by the Ground Round balloon man :) It was kids night at the Ground Round, and though I prefer privately owned, "Mom & Pop" restaurants, this was just right for a Thursday night.

Halis thinks that Isaac will hate us later on for all the dorky pics we take of him. I like to think that he will be so impressed at how much of his life I have documented in photos. Dorky or not.
Enjoy the day.
P.S. The "30 Days of the Everyday" project is complete. I love the resulting mosaic. And though I want to begin a dozen more photo projects ... I think I will start with "30 Days of Yesteryear." ... favorite photos from the past 5 years of our lives. I will begin Monday. Anyone want to join?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Finishing What She Started ...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I'm Gonna Do It All ... Someday.
When I saw it a second time, I smiled ... knowing she never left me...
May we all get back to the hope, curiosity and unwavering belief in ourselves that we had as little girls. And may we nurture it in each other and in all the children around us...
Monday, February 4, 2008
Some Valentine's Day Paper Garland.

Sunday, February 3, 2008
More Etsy Goodies:
Hand-Sketched, Screenprinted & Appliqued. One-of-a-kind bags. Perfect for passing out Valentines :) Or just for showing how much you love owls. And Whoooo doesn't? (I couldn't resist).
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Are You Serious? Did We Really Just Have a Night "On the Town"?

Friday, February 1, 2008
Day 25: Some Chicken Love.