Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Playing With Adobe Photoshop CS3.

A friend of ours introduced us to this intense Photoshop program and I am pretty sure that once I installed it, I could hear my photographs cheering . It is simply amazing! I didn't know that a computer program was capable of "magic", but this program proves it. You can literally take the world's worst photograph, and turn it into a thing of beauty (or something like that). But it takes ALOT of learning to even master 1/4 of what this program can do.

I grabbed a couple of highly reviewd books on the subject: The Photoshop CS Book For Digital Photographers and Adobe Photoshop CS3 One-on-One. From these two books, I have been giving myself nightly lessons on the program. And I have made some progress. I was able to make a new header for this blog (a week ago) and for my Etsy shop (last night).

I also learned a thing or two about "Curves" and was able to enhance the following photos:





Of course, there is SO much more I need to learn. But this is a great start. Lots of fun, too.

Enjoy the day,


1 comment:

bettyninja said...

Please post things that you love about photoshop! I have access to it at work (and used to use it 8 or 9 years ago, but it has really changed) and would like to start using it for some things. I love that you were able to adjust the photo of your sons face so that we could see him.