Thursday, March 13, 2008

Isaac's 3rd Birthday.

My baby is 3 today. Such a big boy already. So sweet, kind, curious, loving, strong, playful, and insightful. I am so very proud. I am so very thankful.
As is our tradition, Isaac put on Daddy's shirt today to see how much more space his body takes up in it. He has proven that which we were already well aware of --- he is no longer a "baby". He is a "3" now and very proud of that.

For comparision:

"2" :

"3" :

Thank you Marjorie, for giving birth to our son. Thank you for choosing life. And thank you for creating such a wonderful plan for him. He is the most amazing being Halis and I have ever known. We are forever thankful.



P.S. Happy Birthday Isaac Watson! We Love You More Each Day :)


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday, big boy!! May God bless you with a WONDERFUL day!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! Miss you all!

Missy said...

Happy Birthday! He's so adorable. Have a wonderful day!


Missy said...

Happy Birthday! He's so adorable. Have a wonderful day!


Perla said...

I love the pictures in the shirt! I hope you had a fantastic day. It is sad to have them grow up so quickly. But 3 is so fun! Love you!

Christy said...

Happy birthday to your little boy! He's so adorable. :)

Anonymous said...

I love that tradition! Happy (late) birthday to your little big son! :)