Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Our New Neighbors.

Moving from the country to the city may prove to provide us with more wild friends than we might have imagined. It seems that we will be greeted by all sorts of critters on our new acreage. Already we have seen bear, deer, ravens, and this guy:

To see this guy in action, click here.



Monday, April 28, 2008

Emergency Room Visit.

You may remember from a previous post, that Halis and I are not very good at remaining calm when our baby is sick. Ok, mostly I am not very good at it --- and Halis usually has to console both Isaac and me. So, on Saturday, when I went to go pick Isaac up from an afternoon at his Auntie's house (an unusual venture for both of us) ... and I found him asleep ... with conjunctivitis in both eyes ... I panicked. I even cried. Yes, conjunctivitis is no big deal ... but any illness that Isaac encounters brings back those helpless feelings I endured while waiting for him to come home from Haiti (see that previous post for more info). And I simply don't trust myself to be strong for him ... so I panic ... and hope that someone will come to rescue us both...

But Daddy was away. Auntie had an appointment. Grandma & Grandpa were asleep. And I was too embarrassed to ask anyone else to help me to take him to the emergency room. I knew that he needed treatment because he was miserable. And I knew that I had to suck it up --- get strong --- and take care of my baby. And I did. Mostly. With Meaghan's help :)

Meaghan, Isaac and I went to the emergency room at the Catholic hospital in Bangor. And I was proud of just being able to get there without any significant panic attacks (this can be a problem for me). But when I arrived, I needed help in remembering my name, Isaac's birth date, etc. Meaghan was kind enough to help out when she could.

During the brief insurance interview before treatment, I asked that Isaac's hospital records indicate that we do not want Isaac's immunization information to be shared with the state as we do not immunize Isaac and have been recently battling the state over this. The receptionist agreed to do so ... but with some hesitation. Then, both Meaghan and I noticed that the receptionist was slightly concerned when she asked the one word question, "Mother?", and I replied, "Gisele" (the name of my mother). It turns out she was asking whether I was Isaac's mother. Oops...

Well, I don't know whether you all are seeing where I am going with this yet ... but it turns out that my initial hesitations in responding to questions regarding Isaac's birth date, my name, etc.... and my concern over the state obtaining his records ... as well as my giving my own mother's name when the receptionist asked whether I was Isaac's mother ... seemed to create some concern by the hospital staff as to whether I was really Isaac's Mom. (Perhaps the fact that he looks nothing like me also played a part). While waiting to be seen by the doctor the staff rarely took their eyes off of us ... and the security guard hovered around us. Coincidence? Maybe. But when Meaghan became concerned that we were being watched, I knew that something was up.

After a short wait, Isaac was seen for his conjunctivitis, given meds, and sent on his way. We were asked to stay an extra 20 minutes to be sure that he didn't have a reaction to the medication. During that time, I think all of Isaac's hugs & kisses, and "Mommy, I love you"s gave the staff reason to believe that we were indeed family. What began as concern on their faces, soon turned to smiles. And we all left feeling much better - especially Isaac.

So, I did it! I successfully brought my son to the hospital, calmed his fears, read him some stories, and got him the healing that he needed. I can do this :) I can put aside my adoption PTSD and be the "mother bear" that I need to be in order to do right by my child. He and I will continue to teach one another all that we are capable of. Thank God for Isaac. Thank God for Meaghan. And Thank God for Me. (And a shout out to modern medicine as well!)



Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daddy's New Toy.

What a beauty ... or at least she will be soon. She runs, drives, and was inspected in 2007. A sweet ride for just $200!

And in case you have forgotten just how cool this car is ... check this out :

This should be fun! I can't wait to ride shotgun in my husband's new KITT car. I never thought I would actually think this car was "cool" again ... but the 80's are back ... and everything old is "cool" again :) I might also mention that Halis and I are each going through a premature mid-life crisis ... and are looking to relive some of our youth (cough...cough...).

Hope you feel young & a bit "racey" today ... oh, and speaking of feeling "racey" ... check this out too:


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Granny Squares in Need of Assistance.

I inherited these gorgeous, hand-knit granny squares (is that what they are called?). They are lovely, but unfinished. And I do not knit. I wish I did. So, I am posting this photo to ask you all for advice. Can I use them just as they are? Is there someone out there who is willing to knit them together to create a blanket?

I have seen granny squares used in making some very sweet mobiles as well, and am considering that as well.

All advice welcome.

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Defending the Rights of Cows.

Scene: driving through the city - on our way to visit Auntie

Isaac: "Mama, where are the cows?"

Mama: "They aren't here babe. We are in the city now. The cows are in the country."

Isaac: "Cows aren't allowed in the city?"

Mama: (stunned that he understand the word 'allowed') "No, Cows aren't allowed in the city. Only in the country. We live in the country."

Isaac: "Mama, I wanna go home now."

Well, I guess if cows can't be in the city - then Isaac doesn' t want to be either. Poor Isaac is going to have to get used to the idea that cows will no longer be part of our everyday lives in the city ... OR ... we will just have to do as Daddy has suggested, and keep our country home as a weekend get-away. Best of both worlds :)


Monday, April 21, 2008

My Best Friend.

(Here is my best friend - at the mall - trying on bras - outside of the dressing room - trying to be goofy enough to embarass my Mom - which she did - cracking me up with her pink long-johns and commentary...)

I never knew that I wanted or needed a "best friend" until I found Melissa (or rather, she found me). She is my rock, my joy, my soul, my sister. We can stay up all night long - enjoying deep philisophical conversation or we can stay up all night long - making prank commentary online in a Big Brother chat room (hilarious!).

I love you so much Missy. And am thankful for you - everyday. You turn a good life into a great life!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Isaac Bakes Cakes.

Since watching Max (of Max and Ruby fame) make his own Birthday cake (on our latest Max & Ruby video ) ... my son wants to bake a Birthday cake every day. Every day. Because every day is somebody's birthday after all. And as often as I can, I indulge him in this ... because cake is yummy and baking is fun.

We have now baked many, many cakes and Isaac seems to be understanding the various steps and ingredient mixtures. However, he still is quite confused about what it means to add eggs to the mix:

Silly Mama just says, "Ok Isaac, time to put the eggs in." So, what can I expect of my 3-year old? He simply adds the eggs... shells and all. Funny man. Silly Mama.

Enjoy the day.



Monday, April 14, 2008

The New House is Coming Along ...

I am loving the colors! And while I paint, my son bakes. And bakes. And eats. And bakes. Then cooks. And eats. And eats some more. Because that is what Grammies do with their Grandbabies. That ... and my Mom is the cook/baker for my Dad's catering business.

More "New House" photos to come. I hope you all are well.



Thursday, April 10, 2008

Refreshed & Very Much Alive.

I think that you have to live in a Northern, snowy state like Maine in order to fully appreciate how refreshing Spring is to the body, mind and soul. After months of seeming hibernation, Spring becomes an awakening and a re-birth in every possible way. I find myself wanting to dance, sing, play, make-love, make plans and spend every possible moment outdoors. I want to shed all these layers of clothes ... coats, hats, mittens, sweaters. I dream big, I reminisce, I appreciate. I cleanse my home of winter debris both indoors and out. I open the coop door to release the chickens back out into the natural world. I open my house doors so the earth can breathe life back into our dusty home. I turn the music on just a little bit louder. I contemplate a new haircut and some new clothes. I become hopelessly re-attracted to my husband.

I become fully alive again ... and it feels so good.

There is a time in life for rest and reflection (Winter). But that time is not now. Now is the time for birds to sing and play ... for buds to bloom ... for new life to come into the world ... and for all people to rediscover their beauty, their songs, their joy ...

Happy Spring My Friends!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tracey, please send me your address :)

All others who participated: if you would like to purchase this set of notecards, please write me at jrenshaw@hotmail.com and I will give you the most incredible deal of your life (just pretend it is, okay?) ... all 8 cards for just $5 plus shipping. That is a 50% discount just for participating in this giveaway. If you haven' t seen the other photo cards in the mix, please see here.

Thank you all !



Monday, April 7, 2008

One Room Done.


One can of Intense Jade paint plus 2 Dunkin Donuts Flavored Ice Teas equals Isaac's new room is now painted.

Love, Jodi

P.S. The drawing winner will be announced Wed am. Good Luck!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mud Season (again).

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud! I love the smell of it. I love the feel of it. And I absolutely love that its appearance throughout our yard (and state) means that Spring has finally arrived. Soon the flowers will begin to sprout and bloom ... the birds will return to nest ... and the grass will be lush and inviting. Yum! I am so ready for this.

But until the bliss of Spring sets in ... there is "Mud Season". I have now lived in Maine long enough to know that you don't park your car in your dirt driveway during this time ... you never wear nice clothes (as the bottoms of your pants will always be caked in mud) ... and you never let the dogs enter your living areas after they go outdoors to do "their business". These are just a few concessions that we make in order to enjoy the glorious spring, summer and fall seasons here in Maine. (Believe me, we make many more concessions during the winter!).

Thankfully "Mud Season" is a short one. In just a few weeks, we will be tending to our lawns and spring blooms. We will be watching birds settle into their nesting areas. And we will be playing ball in the yard. But until then, Isaac will enjoy every blessed moment of what may turn out to be his favorite season of all!

Wishing you glorious spring blooms, many winged visitors and at least a little bit of mud :)



Friday, April 4, 2008

Video :: Isaac & Mommy Have a Chat.

The video is dark (sorry) ... as we were lounging in bed, getting ready for "lights out". It was Isaac's Birthday, and I wanted to capture him a bit on that day so that I could share it with him later in life.



Tuesday, April 1, 2008


When one has nothing clever to say, perhaps it is time for a give-away!

Please leave a comment on this post (with your e-mail address) and I will include your name in a drawing to win a set of my CELEBRATION OF SPRING notecards from my Etsy shop.

If you let others know about this giveaway via a link on your blog, I will add your name to the drawing an additional 5 times. Just leave the link to your blog post in the comments section as well.

Thank you all & good luck! The drawing will be held next Tuesday, April 8th.

Happy Spring & Happy April 1st :)