Thursday, April 2, 2009

SOS:KIDS Sending Goodies to Iraq and Afghanistan

I recently found out about a group called "Soldiers' Angels" through my local Borders Bookstore. They were collecting books to send to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. I purchased a book to send to a soldier, but wanted to learn more about the organization so that I might promote it on my new blog "Give to Begin to Live" (a project that I have been meaning to tell you all about for a while - but it is such a work-in-progress that I have procrastinated doing so).

After checking out their website, and doing a bit of research on them, I was amazed at how much they do for active duty soldiers as well as veterans ... and even children affected by current wars and conflicts. Very impressive.

Soldier's Angels makes it so very easy to make a difference too. I decided to take part in their SOS: KIDS program. Please see here for details. Isaac and I made a project out of putting together a package to send to children in the midst of conflict. We simply went through Isaac's clothing, and found good quality items that he has outgrown. Then we looked through his toys to see if we could find some brand new toys that he has yet to use (mainly unused Christmas and Birthday gifts). I then searched through our toiletries and my box of Goodwill goodies that I collect for random gift giving. All together, we were able to send several quality shirts, sticker packages, some school supplies, a few toys, some toiletries, etc. All this, without ever having to purchase a thing. A quick run through our home was all that was required. We Americans tend to gather so much more than we will ever need. And it feels so good to spread the wealth.

Please check out their website to see if there is a project you would like to get involved in. And better yet, please check out my new blog: Give to Begin To Live to see what other projects you may wish to assist. Giving IS Receiving.

Spread the Love,


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