So, Isaac did the picking for me. And he picked SARAH!
Congratulations Sarah. I am going to mail you a goody out as soon as I get your home address (and as soon as I figure out which handmade item I think you would like best).
Thank you to all for participating. This was fun :) I am sure that I will do it again soon.
For more great photos of our walk, please see our Flickr site.
I hope you are enjoying the outdoors where you are :)
Thanks to all who read this blog! If you have yet to make yourself known, please do so in the comments section. I think I should make a contest out of this :)
I will draw a name from all the comments left on this post and send a lovely goody to the winner! Don't forget to leave your e-mail address.
Winner will be drawn on Oct. 26th. Good Luck!
Love to all,
Right here in Corinna, we have this sweet little farm stand with all sorts of pumpkins. But if you choose to, you can go across the street to their pumpkin patch and pick your own for just $2.50 each. So, that is what we did. We chose four beauties, one for each of us plus Meg. It was a good time in the fresh crisp autumn air.
Oh ... and I have a funny story for you all too ... Isaac and I came to this farm stand about a month ago, just to buy a couple of pumpkins for the front porch. When we got out of the truck ... Isaac was amazed by all the pumpkins. He looked at one particularly large one ... mouth agape ... and exclaimed, "Oh sh*t Momma, that's a big one!" I replied, "It sure is Babe" and just smiled. That's my boy. He gets it from his Mom ... so how can I be angry? It is now the latest funny family story...being passed on from relative to relative.
So, join us my friends ... get out there and enjoy fall! (Unless of course, you live in Australia, then I suggest you get out there and enjoy summer :)
But sadly, I have yet to be able to participate in most of the things I love best about fall. There was no birthday celebration, my husband and I both almost forgot our anniversary, not a single Halloween decoration has come out, no soups have been made, no pumpkins carved, and I have sorely missed out on photographing any fall scenes this year. Ugh. Of course, I have plenty of excuses, as my parents home burned down, my husband and I are helping them on a daily basis, we are trying to get our house ready for sale, I have been working on healing a medical issue (don't worry) and we are still working on my mother-in-laws estate issues. SO, we have plenty else going on!
But there is still time! I purchased some pumpkins, I took out the box of Halloween decorations, there are still leaves to be photographed, and I have plenty of ingredients to make a really good soup. There is hope!
So, I must remember to schedule in some fun time --- especially for Isaac --- so that he an experience all the joys of this season. I think a nice fall walk is in order .... provided we can wear enough blazing orange to avoid all the hunters nestled in the treetops (we ran into one yesterday on a short walk down the road). And it's time to carve some funky faces into those massive pumpkins on our porch. I'll be sure to share the photos :)
This is Halis, Isaac and me at my Cousin Jeff's wedding ... being loved on by my second cousins Ana and Lauren. By the way, Isaac's face is one of excitement ... not pain :)
And this is my Dad and my cousin Corey ... a little overcooked ... in Belfast, Maine.
Thanks Crys. It was a great Birthday ... spent doing my yearly birthday ritual (see previous post) ... but this time my parents, husband and Isaac all came along. And I was happy for that. Change is good.... and often ... and I have plenty of gray hairs to prove it. I am now 34 and looking forward to all the big numbers to come!
Enjoy your day!
Gocco Japanese Printing Press for Paper & Fabric
Can be found at here and here.
And can be learned about here.
An industrial snap press. Though I really don't know where to find one. I have found plenty of grommet presses, but that is not what I am looking for. The tool shown above is the snap press.
I have her companion book: Last-Minute Fabric Gifts and would love to try out this one.
Can be found here.
This gorgeous handmade necklace charm by an incredible Etsy artist.
The Ultimate Screen Printing Kit. Can be seen here.
Not a bad list, eh?
So, although there will be no party ... and although my husband has not had a single moment to even think about my birthday, I think I am going to indulge in one or more of the above items --- to celebrate another year of living and the anniversary of the day my Momma brought me into this world :)
Thank you Mom. And thank you Universe for the good life I have been blessed with. And thank you, Me, for the awesome gift that you are soon going to bestow upon yourself :)
I made 3 of the following Mermaid bags. I just love these! I will be selling 2 on Etsy and giving one as a gift. They will be $20 each. I will post them asap. ( They have now been posted to my Etsy shop - see right column of this page). The fabric at the top of the tote is some sweet vintage stuff I got from my Mother-in-Law's estate. I hated to cut into it, but it looks so perfect on this bag. I hope they find good homes.
Happy Sewing.
Just another blessing in a sea of many :)
Daddy looking so manly in his hockey gear. Well, at least Momma thinks so :)
It is lonely in the stands at 9:30 pm!
Daddy hopes that Isaac follows in his footsteps. Mommy is "begging Jesus" that he does not.
I think ballet or chess club are better choices.
Love, Jodi
P.S. My parents are doing fine. We have made much progress with insurances, the demolition of the house, the salvaging of items, etc. All will be well. Thank you for the well wishes and support!