Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 25: Some Chicken Love.

I have been neglecting the beauty of my feathered friends ... so thought I would dedicate a post to a few chicken photos. Enjoy!




Sarah and Tim said...

just wondering, I know this will sound strange, but do you eat them? I gave up meat several months ago, and always wonder who eats meat vs. those who don't. I am the only person in my family who doesn't eat meat, therefore I don't think ill of anyone who does, it for me is just a personal thing, I got ahold of an awful book!!!

Jodi Renshaw said...

Hi Sarah,

Funny you should ask. I was a vegetarian from the time I was 18 until about 5 months ago. Then I started eating some of our own home-raised chicken, some moose meat and some grass fed beef from a local farmer. I am sure I have read all the books you have on the subject, and I can TOTALLY see what you have gone vegetarian. I will not allow Isaac to eat anything unless his Daddy killed it, or this farmer that I trust.

But, we do not eat our pet chickens ... and we have 21 pet chix right now. 19 hens, 2 roosters. They almost all have names, and two of them will sit on your lap to be patted.

Anyway, I think vegetarian is a wonderful choice...especially given all that I have studied on Mad Cow disease and other ailments. Good for you that you have made the switch.


Paula said...

Love that close-up of the feathers. Great shot! Nothing like having farm fresh eggs. Are you going to be able to take your brood with you?

Sarah and Tim said...

Wow Jodi, That is really interesting! I want to see a chicken being petted!! My grandparents had chickens, but they would either run from you or run toward you, never sit still!